In the event that you submitted an application for EDGAR get to in accordance with brief last Rule 10(c) of Regulation S-T between March 26, 2020 and July 1, 2020, because of failure to get legally approbation of Form ID during the COVID-19 pandemic, if you don't mind be reminded to present the required authorized validation report as correspondence to EDGAR inside 90 days of the day you presented your application for EDGAR get to. Inability to do so may bring about suspension of your entrance to EDGAR.

For instance, in the event that you presented your application for EDGAR access on March 26, 2020 in dependence upon brief last Rule 10(c), at that point you should record the legally approved verification archive in EDGAR at the very latest June 24, 2020 (90 days from there on) to abstain from having your entrance suspended. If it's not too much trouble check your records or login to your EDGAR record to check the date you presented your EDGAR get to application.