On July 29, 2019, EDGAR Release 19.2.1 will introduce the following changes:
- For non-Inline XBRL submissions only:
- Filers submitting Form 10-Q will no longer receive warnings that apply only to Cover Page Interactive Data.
- For Inline XBRL submissions only:
- Filers will no longer receive warnings on a missing fiscal year-end on Form 8-K.
- Certain differences between the registrant name for Inline XBRL cover pages and the official registrant name within EDGAR will be permitted under Section 6.5.24 of the "EDGAR Filer Manual, Volume II: EDGAR Filing":
- Differences in whitespace or punctuation; hyphen characters (-,–) may either match whitespace or nothing. For example, "ABC Real-time" will match both "A.B.C. RealTime" and "ABC, Real Time".
- Single-character words are ignored; "A. B. SMITH" will match "SMITH A B".
- Text entered between “//”, such as "ABC CO /DE/”, matches “ABC CO”.
- Matching abbreviations that EDGAR imposes, such as truncating CORPORATION to CORP, shortening “and” to ampersand “&”, and dropping the word "The" at the beginning. "The Smith and Jones Corporation" matches "SMITH & JONES CORP".
If you have any questions or concerns about the upgrade, please contact Filer Support at (202) 551-8900 (Option 3).